The Gold Warrior Meet the Power Rangers Turbo!
by Black_TurboRanger
(Goodbye for Good?)
Part 4

Adam never did get the Gold Warrior to say who she was. After talking to her, he relized he had been right all along. She wasn't evil. He also knew the Gold Warrior was a girl cuz she had told him where she was from that they were going out.

"So I guess it's safe to say you know who we are," Adam commented.

"Yeah, I do,"

"Who am I then?"

"Your Adam, the leader is Tommy, the one in blue is Justin, the one in pink is Katherine and the one in yellow is your ex-girlfriend Tanya."

"Wha? How did you...." he began.

"How did I know she's your ex?" the Gold Warrior smiled from under the cloth, "It's pretty easy to figure out,"

"Why won't you tell me or us who you are? We could help you get back to where you belong,"

The Gold Warrior shook her head, "I don't belong anywhere. I'm a drifter. Besides imagine what the world or your life would be like if everyone knew you guys are the power rangers?"

"Turbo Rangers," he corrected, "I see your point. It's not fair though that you know who we are but we don't know who you are,"

"Oh, I think you already know," she remarked.

Adam was left baffled as always and headed back to his fellow rangers. "Well?" Tommy asked, anxiously. Adam told them everything she had said to him.

"I'm telling you, she means no harm," he said trying to convince Tommy.

"I don't know if I can trust her,"

Adam let out a frustrated sigh, "Why? What has she done to us?"

"She almost killed Tommy," Kat recalled.

"Yeah, but we attacked her first. Remember?" Justin said, siding with Adam. While the rangers were discussing "The Gold Warrior Issue" Alpha 5 took her to a cell. It was like a high-tech version of a prison cell. It didn't have bars made of iron but what looked like light. She touched the bars and felt a small shock, she jumped back in surprise.

Minutes turned into hours for the rangers. It was now almost midnight and Adam had only Justin and Kat on his side. Tanya and Tommy wouldn't give up so easily. "Oh come on guys, it's really late," Kat pleaded.

"Yeah, I'm tired," Justin said while yawning.

"Why won't you admit you were wrong?" Adam asked Tommy.
"Tanya, you don't have a reason for siding with Tommy," Kat told her friend. Tanya just sat there staring off into space. "Tanya?"

"I think she's asleep," Justin said sounding a little amused. Of course he was right. Tanya was sleeping with chin rested on her hand.

"Come on Tommy," Adam whined.

"I just don't know if I want to trust to someone who's......"

"More powerful then even you? Come admit it you're jealous," Adam completed Tommy's sentence for him.

"Oh alright. I admit it. There ya happy now? I guess we can let her go," Tommy answered irritably, probably from lack of sleep and it being so late.

"Great lets go tell her," Kat said jumping up from the table. The teens left Tanya sleeping there with her head now on the table. They walked out of the meeting chamber and headed towards the cells.

"Her cells down this way," Alpha 5 told the rangers and scurried down the dark, hallway. This was a part of the Power Chamber they had never seen before. It was the only part that wasn't lit up with lights of every color. When they reached the Gold Warriors they saw her fast asleep on the bed.

"Poor thing must be worn out. I know I would be if I went through everything she did today," Kat said sympathetically.

"She looks so peaceful," observed Justin.

"This is our chance to see who she while she's asleep," Tommy quietly stated. With those words he told Alpha to turn off the bars and walked into the cell. He was just about to remove the cloth that covered her face when Adam's hand pulled Tommy's away.

"No, we have to respect her wishes. If she wants her identity to remain a secret then so be it," Adam whispered.

Kat pulled on Tommy's flannel shirt. "Come on lets let her rest. We'll let her go tomorrow," and just like that the rangers left and all went home. They all went straight to bed except for Adam. He couldn't get to sleep for some reason.

It was something the Gold Warrior had said to him that night. Adam dreamed it over and over again.

"Why won't you tell me or us who you are? We could help you get back to where you belong,"

The Gold Warrior shook her head, "I don't belong anywhere. I'm a drifter. Besides imagine what the world or your life would be like if everyone knew you guys are the power rangers?"

"Turbo Rangers," he corrected, "I see your point. It's not fair though that you know who we are but we don't know who you are,"

"Oh, I think you already know," she remarked.

Those words of the Gold Warrior stuck in his mind. He tossed and turned until finally. Adam woke up in a cold sweat and inspiration suddenly hit him. He knew who the Gold Warrior was. Of course! It's so obvious, but why didn't he think of it before?


Tommy's alarm clock went off signaling him it was time to get up. He groggily looked up at his clock which read 9:30 am. Today was the day they would let the Gold Warrior go. He still didn't think she could trusted, but the others did and he was out-numbered.

When Tommy reached the Power Chamber the others were already there except for Justin. Actually Tanya never left she had fallen asleep there and Zordon and Alpha didn't have the heart to wake her up so they let her stay.

"Should we contact Justin? Or just wait for him to wake up?" Tanya asked, stretching.

"No. We should let him rest. He's younger then all of you and needs more sleep," just as Zordon finished saying that, Justin teleported in.

"Hi guys! Sorry I'm late," he apologized with a yawn.

"Well since we're all here lets go and set the Gold Warrior free," Kat said.

"I'll go get her," Adam volunteerd and Alpha gave him the keys.

As Adam walked down the dark hallway he wondered what he was going to say to her. He finally reached her cell and put the key in the lock which turned off the bars off electricity. Adam shook her gently to wake her up. The Gold Warrior rolled over and opened her eyes.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" she asked not, at all sounding surprised to see him there.

"Well, we decided to let you go," he told her, "and I uhhh umm,"

"What's wrong?"

Adam swallowed a lump in his throat, "I know who you are," he blurted out and then quickly covered his mouth.

"That doesn't surprise me. I knew you would figure it out sooner or later. So who am I then?"

"You're Jewel Noxenet,"

"Guess what?" The Gold Warrior replied starting to take off the cloth that hid her face.


"You're right," she pulled the hood that was over head down. Jewel smiled. She knew he would be the one to find out. It was because he was so open minded and had a good heart.

"But why did I find out and the others didn't?"

"That's a question you'll have to answer yourself," she told him. Jewel got off the bed and stood up. She yawned and said, "Well I guess I have to go huh,"

"Yeah. It's time to get you outta here,"

Jewel covered her face back up and once again became the Gold Warrior. Adam led her out of the cell and down the hallway. Before they entered the Power Chamber she uncovered her mouth and gave Adam a kiss on the cheek.

"Was that for?" he asked looking a bit startled.

"For being the only one who trusted me and never calling me evil," she answered with a smirk on her face.

Adam and the Gold Warrior entered the Power Chamber. "Well here she is guys," he moved out of the way so she could pass into the main part of the chamber.

"It's been a blast guys but I'm afraid I have to be going now," the Gold Warrior finally said. Tommy shook hands with her and said he was sorry for the why acted, "Apology excepted. Bye guys. Maybe we'll run into each other again someday," she winked at Adam, who winked back and with a wave of her hands she was gone.

"I wish we knew who that was," Tommy remarked.

"I don't think that's the last we'll be seeing of the Gold Warrior. I have a feeling we'll see her again" Kat concluded.

"Ya know Kat. I think your right," Adam agreed, smiling.

The End

